Shopping for active wear at Australian retail stores continues to be a challenge if you’re plus size. Typically, you’re limited to black leggings and typically the quality isn’t great. However, is is our mission at Sisu & Finn to find the brands which offer quality and style for you.

And Nike has finally come to the plus size party and launched their extended range of active wear.

Nike teamed up with some plus influencers Grace Victory and Danielle Vanier to front the campaign to launch the range which goes to a 3X.

Explaining its reason for expanding the size range Nike said:

“Nike recognises that women are stronger, bolder and more outspoken than ever. In today’s world, sport is no longer something that she does, it’s who she is. The days where we have to add ‘female’ before ‘athlete’ are over. She is an athlete, period. And having helped fuel this cultural shift, we celebrate these athletes’ diversity, from ethnicity to body shape.”

We have seen some brands do this before, by saying they will increase their clothes to a size 18 but only increasing the proportions of their products slightly. This is not the case with Nike.

A spokeswoman has also acknowledged that plus women hold their weight in different places so they have tried and tested many designs to get the best and most supportive fit.  For me its the upper thighs and tummy region that I like to be firm.

Black and white does feature heavily through out however some items do come in colours.

Shop the Sisu & Finn Nike plus size range here

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